Advantages & disadvantages of Toyota information systems

Advantages & disadvantages of Toyota Information systems

Toyota systems have been developing continuously over the years to get the best of each system.However, every system have a development life cycle, where it becomes
inefficient at the end. In order, to increase the efficiency of the company
systems, we need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

1.   Toyota production system

-         reducing the waste as much as possible.
-         less movement of the producing labor, leads to less time in producing
(just in time).

-         Every step of the production can be checked, go smoothly and without
any mistakes due to (jidoka).

-         Good quality.[i]

2.   Warehouse management system

-         Increase the available space in the warehouse.
-         Items  properly organized in a
certain way.

-         Increasing efficiency and productivity.
-         The ability to deliver at the same day.
-         More accurate and reliable information.
-         The ability for everyone to stay connected due to (RF).

 “Our firm possesses a strong background in delivering distribution and warehousing solutions. This allows us to offer a powerful, intelligent and full-featured WMS solution to our customers. The better WMS solutions consists of three integrated modules – warehouse management with radio frequency (RF) technology, integrated shipping, and Work-In-Process tracking”.  [ii]
3.   Learning management system
-         Available 24 hours.
-         Combines various types of information.
-         Gives the user information that the company need them to know.
-         Tracking and reporting of the user performance.
-         Enhancing what needs to be focused on.
-         Reduce huge amount of cost and time.[iii]

Nothing in life goes the exactly like we plan, we face issues in the way. also systems
they don’t work exactly the way they supposed to.

  1. Toyota production system
-         Difficult, high cost to implement.
to implement this system they need to dismantle previous systems, train employees
how to use it.

-         Complex to use.
-         Supply problems.
In lean manufacturing they keep small amount of inventory in hand, so they need a
supplier that they fully trust not to interrupt or delay the supplies and
always stay on schedule.[iv]

  1. Warehouse management system
-         Costly.
To implement full features of the system it costs between 750,000 and 2,500,000 $.
-         Complex to use.
-         Takes months to be fully implement and ready to use.[v]

  1. Learning management system
-         Reduce the possibility for the user to get more explanation if he
didn’t understand.

-         No social interaction involved.
Little or no human interaction, more likely increases level cause of depression.
-         Can terns routine.[vi]


In order to solve the disadvantages, we need to keep improving these systems, by
reducing its complexity at the lowest possible cost.

-         Reduce complexity of using a system, by applying well defined, easier

-         Reduce implementation cost, by removing unwanted or unneeded features
of the system.


[i] Toyota, How Toyota Production System (TPS)
benefits your organization,, [accessed 9 Dec 2011].

[ii] IDII, 2011, Cost Justifying a Warehouse Management
System,, [accessed 9 Dec 2011]

[iii] microburst learning, Five Advantages of Using
a Learning Management System,, 2007, [accessed 9 Dec 2011]

[iv] ehow, Disadvantages of Lean Manufacturing,, [accessed 9 Dec 2011]

[v] sap-img, Advantages and Disadvantages of
Warehouse Management,,[ accessed 9 Dec 2011]

[vi] Marketing profs, Advantages And Disadvantages
Of Outsourcing By Lms,, 2005, [accessed 9 Dec 2011]